Don't Waste Your Time and Money - The Methods to Avoid
Penis enlargement is one of the world's fastest growing industries. Unfortunately as a
result of this, several products have crept onto the market with the aim of making a quick
buck and benefiting from man's natural insecurities, irregardless of whether the product
is a safe and effective choice for a larger penis. Here we will give you a brief guide on
which methods you need to avoid if you are going to successfully and safely enlarge
your penis.
Weights are probably the oldest penis enlargement technique around, and this technique
has changed very little from the methods used by the early tribesmen. Whilst it can not
be disputed that it will facilitate growth, it is certainly not a method you should consider.
Widely regarded as one of the most dangerous forms of penis enlargement, there
are a wide variety of risks involved mainly due to the large amount of weight needed to
create a lasting effect, and the unregulated, uncontrolled nature of the force it exerts on
your penis.
Known dangers of this method include; impotence, ligament damage, painful erections,
deformity and stretch marks. Whilst effective to some degree, there is no safe, medically
backed weight hanging solution available for penis enlargement.
Another common option for the misinformed man is the penis pump, popularised in by
modern media in films like Austin Powers many believe this to be a safe, effective and
proven method to enlarge the penis.
Unfortunately, despite their popularity, this is simply not the case. Pumps are used to
treat erectile dysfunction for certain conditions such as diabetes, however these are
usually referred to as vacuum pumps rather than penis pumps and are only offered as a
solution when all other methods have been unsuccessful.
Thetheory of a penis pump is that it draws extra blood into the penis and may give the
appearance of a slightly larger penis, however the effects of pumps are temporary, they
will help gain an erection for a few minutes but will doing very little to enlarge the penis in
the long term.
Pumps are not only ineffective at providing long term size gains, but they also come
complete with a series of dangers for any man that chooses to use them. For starters the
mechanical forcing of blood into the penis is difficult to control and therefore often results
in severe bruising, blisters and even burst blood vessels within the penis.
Repeated use can bring on impotence when the body begins to rely on mechanical
stimulation to produce an erection; further risks include deformation and diseases.
Next up is the 'magic pill scam' that is often reported in the media. Penis pills have
popped up for sale all over the internet, often with wild claims of adding several inches,
curing impotence and ending premature ejaculation.
Don't you think that if a pill could really do all of this then the medical community would
be knocking down doors to prescribe them to the individuals who need them?
The truth is that pills cannot enlarge the penis by themselves.
Pills work by promoting blood flow around the body and especially to the penis, this may
help to speed up increase the results of other techniques, although there is only
anecdotal evidence of this and no solid scientific evidence to support the theory.
If you do decide you want to try penis pills then at best they should only be viewed as a
supplement to other techniques, if you hope to see results from pills alone then don't be
surprised when you are disappointed.
And last of all, surgery, the latest penis enlargement technique to emerge. Again this can
provide some results however the risks involved are huge.
Any surgery carries a risk of complication and this is especially true for penis
enlargement. Any mistake here could mean impotence and the end of your sex life, and
that's only for starters.
Many patients develop scarring and retraction leading to deformation of the penis, not
exactly the desired outcome. Even when the surgery is a success the patients are often
disappointed with the results as they have not increased as much as they would have
I have yet to see a surgeon who will guarantee results; they simply will not, which shows
that even the professionals carrying out the treatment do not have complete confidence
in what they are doing.
By all means look into surgery; perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones who are
completely satisfied with the results. However, bear in mind that surgery is not only the
most expensive option, but also one of the riskiest. Furthermore, surgery gone wrong is
often irreversible; surely it makes sense to try a natural solution first?
By following our advice you can achieve gains that not only match, but surpass the best
results that surgery can provide, and all at a fraction of the cost. Not only that but you will
not be risking your most important organ to such risks by doing so.
Advice for Beginners
The first thing that you should keep in mind when starting your penis enlargement
program is that you need to put your willpower behind this. Just like everything else, you
have to stick to penis enlargement to see results.
Don't start on something just to find out two weeks later that it bores the hell out of you.
Penis enlargement works only if you strive to do the exercises right and stick to a
regular routine.
Bone up on knowledge. Yes, you got that right. Just like everything else (I never tire of
this phrase), you need to know as much as possible about penis enlargement. This is
the best way to see where others have failed and to understand what is it you're doing
and why you're doing it.
Before your exercise session, measure your penis with a ruler (see next section). Don't
exaggerate! This is something you aren't going to show to anybody else (unless you
want to) and there's no reason to lie to yourself.
If you exaggerate now, you won't be able to correctly identify gains in the future, which
usually leads to de-motivation and failure. Don't measure yourself too often, once every
four or six weeks is enough to show you how much you've gained.
Don't expect results to appear overnight. It may take a month or more for the first gains
to show up. Just stay the course and you'll reach your goal. The penis is tissue and not
muscle, so whereas muscles are fast to grow in size as a response to a genuine need,
the penis is simply tissue and it takes much longer to force tissue to expand.
Veterans are always willing to share with beginners what they've learnt in months and
years of penis enlargement. Experimentation and expert advice are the best way to
maximize your gains and help your penis enlarge faster. Just make sure you are
always careful and not rushing into anything. Nobody wants injuries to spoil the party.
The Mens-Network Forum is the perfect place to meet up and discuss what may
otherwise be a somewhat difficult subject to find other like-minded and experienced
people. With over 40,000 members on hand to share their experiences you can get the
answers to your questions form those who have achieved their goals and know first hand
the best methods and techniques to help you do the same.
Measuring the Penis
Before you begin any penis enlargement you need to make sure you know how to
correctly measure your penis.
Measuring the Flaccid Length
The flaccid length of the penis can be dictated by many things, including the
temperature. This might mean contradicting results depending on the temperature of the
situation that you are in. Flaccid gains are often the first gains you will notice when
performing penis enlargement exercises. To keep results accurate we have a certain
standardized way of measuring the flaccid penis.
To measure accurately it is important that you measure from the side of the penis. Stand
up straight and extend your flaccid penis in front of you (it important NOT to stretch it),
your penis should now be parallel with the floor. Place the ruler next to your penis so it is
slightly pressing against the pubic bone.
The ruler and your penis should be parallel with each other. Measure to the tip of the
head in millimetres or inches (whichever you are more comfortable working with). The
important thing is that you always measure the same way and do not change your
measurement units.
Measuring the Erect Length
The erect length is what most men are interested in. Again it is best to measure from the
side of the penis. This method is the standardized method that researchers use to
measure the "average penis size" which is incidentally between 6" -6.5" erect length.
Firstly make sure you have a 100% erection where you would consider it the "most
erect". Hold your penis below the head and place the ruler next to it with your other
hand. The ruler should be slightly pressing against your pubic bone. Measure to the
nearest millimetre and it is important that you do not EXAGGERATE the measurement. If
anything it is recommended that you round down.
Measure from the base to the tip of the head and make a note of your measurement.
Measuring the Flaccid Girth
The girth can be extremely awkward to measure because many people have different
size girth measurements depending on which part of the penis that you measure. The
standardized way is to measure in the centre of the penis shaft.
When flaccid hold your penis out in front of you and wrap a tape measure around your
penis. Do not pull the tape measure too hard, pull it to a reasonable level and remember
this amount of pull for the next time you measure. The average flaccid girth size is
between 3"-4". In our photographs the model has a large flaccid length and girth and it is
likely that yours will be smaller.
Measure around the penis and make a note of your measurement.
Measuring the Erect Girth
Make sure your penis is 100% erect and then proceed with the measuring. Hold your
penis out in front of you so it is parallel with the floor. With your other hand place the
tape measure around the penis making sure not to pull too tight. The average erect girth
is 5" -5.5" according to recent surveys.
Measure around the penis and make a note of your measurement.
Tracking Your Gains
Of course, the reason you are embarking on a penis enlargement exercise program is
because you want to increase the size of your manhood. Therefore it makes sense to
keep a track on your gains. You can use a table like the one show below to record your
starting measurements and then update them every 4-6 weeks. By keeping track you will
help to keep yourself motivated when you start to see the gains you were hoping for!
Date and Measurement
Effective Methods of Penis Enlargement
Traction Based Penis Enlargement Device
There is only one mechanical device available that is clinically proven to facilitate penis
enlargement and that is a traction based penis enlargement device, often referred to as
an extender or stretcher.
These devices were originally developed as a post-operative treatment to help combat
the retraction of the penis and the formation of scar tissue, which we mentioned earlier.
When the device was clinically trialled, it was tested on both post-operative and non-post
operative patients to provide a true and accurate set of data. It's fair to say there were
some extremely surprising results.
The device performed as expected on the post-operative patients, reducing the
occurrence of retraction and scaring and improving the efficacy of the surgery, however
it was when the non-post operative patients were looked at that the surprise was seen.
They too had seen an increase in their penis size having worn the device for the same
period of time.
The principal of the device is essentially the same as that of weight hanging, by applying
a constant traction force along the shaft of your penis. Over time this triggers the
reaction capacity of the tissues which causes cellular multiplication, or enlargement of
your penis to you and me!
The major, and crucial, difference is that traction provided is constant and regulated
providing a safe, controlled and measurable force that does not carry the same
inherent risks as unregulated weight hanging.
Penis Enlargement Exercises
Penis enlargement exercises are based on the principal of applying an intensive amount
of pressure to the penis over a short period of time, in order to facilitate growth.
Like traction based enlargement, it is a technique that has evolved from early practices,
with the Jelq being one of the best recognised and longest serving practices for those
wishing to develop a larger manhood.
Today's modern routines and exercises have evolved beyond one simple technique
and now there are numerous techniques all target differing gains, and differing levels of
As well helping to promote an increase in the length and girth of your penis, exercises
have also been developed to provide a host of other sexual health benefits. This
includes exercises to help with premature ejaculation, obtain erections on demand,
improve stamina and control, and help to correct a curved penis.
Combining these Methods for Maximum Gains
It is by combing these two methods that the most truly remarkable results can be seen.
These two methods both provide safe, effective solutions on their own, however when
used together they are an unbeatable combination.
Thetraction based stretcher provides a slow constant and measured force whose effect
is directly related to the amount of time you wear it for, it is also regulated meaning you
can not target differing gains. Whilst this is the most effective method to add to the
length of your penis, we do not live in a perfect world and there may be limitations in
your schedule meaning you cannot wear the device as much as you would like to.
If you are using the stretcher alone this would mean a loss in potential gains for the
period where it is not worn, and slowing own your progress in achieving your goals. By
combining the slow traction of the stretcher with the intensive pressure from an exercise
program it means that you can develop an enlargement routine that truly moulds itself
around your lifestyle and schedule. When it is not convenient to wear the stretcher for
as long as you would like you can intensify your exercise routine to make up for the lost
Sample Exercises
In order to get you going we've included descriptions of a couple of the most basic
exercises. These two are essential in both basic and expert routines and provide an idea
of what's involved when performing penis enlargement exercises.
The Wake Up Cloth
The warm-up is ESSENTIAL. You should never leave the warm-up out of your routine as
this will lead to gains being minimal. It is also a good idea to finish off a workout with a
"warm down" which would be, for example, the procedure below repeated. A thorough
warm-up not only helps with the effectiveness of your exercises but also helps prevent
against injury by promoting greater blood flow.
To perform this warm-up you will need a cloth or small towel and access to warm water.
Firstly find an ample sized face cloth. Wet it with warm water until it is soaked through
and hot, but still manageable. Then wrap the cloth around your penis and testicles. This
may feel strange and slightly painful, but this ends quickly enough and is easy to get
used to.
Keep the cloth in place for 1 minute. When 1 minute is up run the cloth under the hot tap
and repeat the procedure once again holding it for 1-2 minutes. If after the 2-3 minutes
you feel you are ready to exercise, continue with your workout. If not then re-apply until
you feel loose enough to continue with your workout.
The Jelq
This exercise is one of the core exercises penis enlargement exercises. The Jelq
supposedly originated in the Arabic culture. The story goes that a large penis was seen
as a mark of power and Arabians did this exercise to enlarge their penis. Whether this is
true or not is irrelevant, the fact is this exercise works.
As with most of the exercises, the jelq must be preceded by an appropriate warm up.
Apply lubrication (baby oil works well) and start with a partially (70-80%) erect penis,
then grasp your penis between your finger and thumb using the 'OK' sign (refer to
pictures) thus trapping all loose blood in your penis. Firmly move your fore finger and
thumb down the penis pushing the blood into the head of the penis. The general concept
is: the more blood accumulates the thicker and larger the head becomes.
Starting with your preferred hand (in this case the right hand) milk downwards from the
base towards the tip, as your right hand nears the head grab the base with your left hand
and release your right hand as you reach the penis head. Follow the same procedure
again, this time milking with your left hand and grabbing with your right - a sort of pass-
over system. This gorges the cells and when they are repaired they are able to hold a lot
more blood. The Jelq exercises can be done either sitting down or standing.
What to do next - Achieving your gains
Buyers Beware - What to look for when selecting a professional
There are some websites which advocate that you look for free or 'home made'
solutions. For stretchers this is particularly dangerous as it involves using a mechanical
device which has had no safety testing and could cause very serious damage should it
break or go wrong. Professional stretching devices are manufactured using medical
grade materials and have been tested to ensure they are fit for their purpose and do not
cause any side effects.
With exercises there is also free information available however this is basic at best and
often onlyavailable in written form, meaning you can easily misinterpret, or
misunderstand, how to perform the exercise properly. Like any exercise, it is crucial
that you are performing it correctly, so as not to injure or damage your body.
A professional program provides full video and pictorial guides to each exercise ensuring
you know exactly how to do it correctly. They also adapt and update their exercises
based on the feedback of their users so you will always have the most up-to-date and
effective information.
Whatever you decide to do next we would always recommend you choose a professional
solution to help achieve your gains and there are some simple steps you can take to
ensure that you are choosing a reputable company:
1. The company should offer a telephone number on their website for you to contact
them with any questions before you buy. If they don't then this suggests their
customer support is limited and you may have trouble reaching them if you have
a problem.
2. The solution offered should be believable and honest - if it claims to offer you 3
inches plus in only a few weeks then it is almost certainly a scam or at best
grossly over selling its potential benefits. Remember anything that seems to good
to be true - probably is, don't waste your money!
3. Look for real user testimonials, if they appear dubious or unbelievable then ask
for written proof of their authenticity.
4. Look for third party reviews and endorsements - the feedback from review sites
and your piers can help identify which products can be trusted and which should
be avoided.
5. Check for medical endorsements and clinical study data. Not every stretcher
device available is manufactured to the same standard and quality so it is
important you make sure you getting one that has been correctly assessed and
6. The website should accept all major credit cards, provide a secure shopping
environment. This is indicated through the padlock symbol in bottom right of your
browser and on-site use of the 'HackerSafe' logo which shows the site is
regularly tested to identify any potential safety concerns
Our recommend solution - The SizeGenetics System
There is only one professional solution that is recommended to its members, and that
is the SizeGenetics System which comprises of
the AndroMedical 'AndroPenis' extender and full membership to the Penis Health
online exercise program.
The AndroPenis device, originating from Europe, was one of the original to hit the
market. As well as being sold commercially it is used in hospitals by medical
organisations across the globe for the treatment of Peyroniess disease (penis curvature)
and a post surgical aid to minimise retraction and scarring from Phalloplasty.
It is manufactured to the ISO13485:2003 and ISO90001:2000 standards for Quality
Management and has been classified bythe European Union as a medical device
class 1 which bears the CE mark. This means you can be completely confident that you
are using a device of the highest quality that is fit for its intended purpose.
In clinical trials theAndroPenis extender has been proven to provide additional inches to
both the length and girth of the penis and also to correct up to 70% in penile deviations
and curvatures. Whilst there are other models available you can be confident that with
the SizeGenetics System you are receiving the highest qualitymedical device
Thesecondparttothesystemit'stheincludedmembershiptothe Penisadvantage exercise
program. This is the premier online exercise program and is backed up by's
excellent 24 hour telephone support team.
Penisadvantage membership gives you unlimited access to:
All of the common exercise you'd expect as well as secret exercises that are unique to
100+ Demonstration Videos
Professionally produced to DVD quality, these are not the normal camcorder filmed,
grainy, unclear videos that you find on other sites. Each video also features voiceover
instructions so you know exactly how to perform the exercise correctly.
Enabling you to see at a glance whether or not you are doing things correctly. Again
these are professionally produced so they are extremely clear and high quality and, of
course, unique to Penisadvantage.
Pre-Set Workout Routines
Over time you will probably develop a routine that suits your needs the best, however to
get you going there are included workout plans that have been researched and tested
and are proven to provide the ultimate basis from which to start your journey.
Free Program Updates
This is not some limited time trial membership that you receive, its full unlimited mem-
bership meaning you can carry on using the Members area for as long as you want.
The program is constantly evolving and adding new features based on their customer
feedback and all updates are provided at no extra cost.
As you can see, the SizeGenetics System is an unbeatable combination of the highest
quality solutions. If you are insecure about your penis size, you should know that you
don't have to be.
SizeGenetics is here to help and is the ideal solution for anybody looking to:
Add inches to their penis length
Add inches to their penis girth
Correct up to 70% in penile deviations and curvatures
Improve ejaculation control
Increase Erection strength and Hardness
Improve self-confidence and self-esteem.
If you are interested in any of these benefits then we would certainly recommend you
click here to visit the SizeGenetics System Website for more information.
Want Full Ebook With Images and Graphs Contact us here
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