Complete Sex Guide - Attract Women Now - E Book


      Face it guys, times have changed. Women are striving to be more assertive and independent, and they are constantly changing their dating goals. Some  women remain traditional, with the hopes of finding one guy to have a  romantic relationship with. But many women are looking for a man to share a short, passionate affair. With this in mind, we have to follow and understand their changing style of courtship: signals, techniques, and even body language. We have to learn how to understand women so we will
know what they are communicating to us. If you want to succeed in meeting and dating new and exciting women, you must be able to interact, talk, and flirt with women on their level. This book is designed to help you learn this process by providing the knowledge, techniques and skills required for dating success. Whether you’re looking for a long-term romance or a one-night stand, this book will guide you through and make meeting, dating and seducing women easier and more fun!

One thing every man must understand is that women think differently. Women say they want to be treated as equals. We‘ve all seen the feminists in action, fighting for one thing or another trying to equate themselves to men. What they don’t understand is that we could treat a woman equally - just like another guy - but it wouldn't satisfy her. Women still want to be romanced and treated with respect. Women say one thing, but expect another. They want to be paid equally, but they want men to pay for dinner. As men we know how rough dating actually is, and it seems no one is willing to make it easier for us. Until now!

This bible of knowledge will
guide you through the dating process
to ensure success with women!

Did you know that even if you are both thinking the same thing, it is a proven fact that communication between the two sexes lacks clarity? Men and women each have a different process of courtship the other may not understand. Signals, and even words used, may not be recognized or even understood. We need to figure out how to read women so we know what they are thinking. Women are sending messages to men all the time - we just aren’t getting them! This is why understanding a woman is very important. Are you
thinking: How will I ever learn how a woman thinks? I bet you are, because so was I when I started this book. I was shocked to find that most women were responsive to my research! Women want us to figure them out! They  were quick to tell me what men do wrong when relating to women, and how  rare it is to find a man who can understand how women think and communicate. This book will open your eyes to opportunities you’ve never seen before, and you’ll soon be equipped with the knowledge to take full       advantage of these opportunities!  

By following the suggestions in this book, you will become a man that women want to date. You will be able to choose the women you spend your efforts on. You’ll likely change your appearance and your behavior in an effort to look and act how women want. Your changes will influence all  aspects of your life - your work, your social life, and especially your success with women! But before we go any further, you have to make a commitment to wanting success with women. You have to be willing to put in the time, effort, or money. You have to accept that you will change through the process. Don’t make excuses for previous failures - just chalk it up to experience and admit that you need practice! Pretty soon you will       realize just how easy meeting and picking up women can be.

While reading this book, you will learn more about yourself and what you want, then use this information to target your desired type of woman. You will soon know what to do, and what not to do, for success with women. You will learn how to flirt successfully and create sexual chemistry with complete strangers.
If you read this book, cover to cover, you will be able to get the kind of short-term and long-term relations with women you crave - whether it be purely sexual or emotionally fulfilling. No doubt,  this book will be the best book you will ever purchase to help you pick up all the women you want!
Turn the pages to learn the Who, What, Where and How of meeting, approaching, talking to and seducing women in the twenty-first century.

Chapter 1: Initiate, Educate, Persevere

      Let’s cut to the chase. For a man to succeed with women, he must be able to initiate communication with a woman. The secret behind success in meeting, approaching, talking to, and seducing women in the twenty-first century is the ability to INITIATE! Get out there and make the effort. This may sound easy enough, but it isn’t. Many of you already know how hard it can be to approach a woman. This chapter explains why it is so important to take the initiative and learn from your mistakes. With this book, you will learn the ways of women, what attracts them, and what discourages them! Educating yourself is extremely important for success with women. You will soon know how to read women, how to approach women and how to talk to women in order to get them interested in being with you. You will also learn more about yourself, and how your mind helps you attain goals.
You will practice meeting women, you will talk to them, and you will undoubtedly face rejection, especially in the beginning. You must persevere through failure and rejection and continue to experiment and
initiate! You will realize that each failure can only lead to greater success!


      Chances are, women won’t arbitrarily flirt with you on the street. They won’t offer their bodies to you. They won’t approach you and ask for your number. You have to initiate meeting women. Once you meet a woman she will decide if she wants to further the relationship. If you exchange numbers, you still must initiate. Call her. Don’t wait for her to call you.

Initiating contact with the opposite sex is the key to success with women.

You have to get out there and actively pursue women. Meet and date as many women as you can. Even if you decide not to date the women you meet, you will gain valuable experience just by taking the initiative to approach them.

The ability to approach women comes with practice and also confidence. The better you feel about yourself, the more women will respond to you. Your behavior can be a direct suggestion of your level of confidence. You may need to build up your self-esteem in order to feel confident communicating with women. A man with high self-esteem will confidently walk right up to the most beautiful woman in the room and start talking to her. However, a man who is not sure of himself will be unsuccessful in achieving his goal
of meeting and seducing the woman of his dreams. Which guy do you want to be? If you don’t feel good about yourself, or you know of areas you could improve, take a trip to the nearest library or bookstore. Pick up a couple of books on how to improve your self-image. You should recognize and try
to improve your weaknesses thereby lowering the possibility of rejection. The next chapter may help you identify areas for improvement.


      You need to educate yourself on both women and men, and how their minds work. The more you know about women, the better your chances are for success. If you know how women think, and what they want, then you have the power to respond and behave in ways that will attract any woman. By creating an image that women want you will attract the women you desire. This book will teach you everything you need to know about women, including what they like to see and hear, and how they want to be treated. Consider this book your new Bible. But knowing women is only half the battle…you also need to know how men think.

      Yeah, you heard me right – you need to know how your own mind works. We all have conscious thoughts, and make conscious decisions every day. But there is also our subconscious to consider. When we set goals, our subconscious keeps track of these goals, and influences the results in our conscious mind. When we encounter fears or rejection, our subconscious deals with these obstacles and adjusts our conscious mind accordingly. We are able to keep our goals in focus through changes made in the subconscious mind. When you make mistakes, or face obstacles, your subconscious mind chalks these things up to experience and expects that you will continue to pursue your goals. And that is just what you need to do - learn from your mistakes and move on.

For our purposes, you must always keep your goals in mind, and continue
towards them with relentless enthusiasm.


      As you begin your journey into the world of dating you will still be learning approach techniques and you should try to figure out what works best for you. This means trying the techniques in this book, and adapting them to your personal style. You will no doubt make changes in your  appearance an your behavior to become more successful with women. Some things you will learn the easy way, and others you will learn the hard way. However, before you develop your best approach, you must be prepared for rejection.
Everything takes practice.
Don’t expect immediate success without failure.

      Every man experiences rejection; it is part of the entire process. Hell, it is part of life! Every failure leads to a greater success. Remember: the more practiced you are at approaching and meeting women, the more confident you will become. This ultimately leads to a higher success rate  with women! Don’t get discouraged if you get shut down – consider it her loss. With each rejection, you have to be able to regroup, move on, and apply the lessons learned.

You will learn your dating goals in Chapter 2. These goals will be the basis for your dating strategies. Visualize your goals and make it your  priority to meet these goals.

Chapter 2: Who You Are And Who You Want
You deserve the best woman out there for you. If you are like most guys I know, you don’t have her yet. This means You Need a Plan. You may need a plan to find a woman, to improve your current girlfriend, or to replace the woman you have. Any woman you’re with should bring out the best in you, love you, accept you, share the good times and stand by you through the bad times. Don’t settle for a second-rate girlfriend   - be with a woman  who makes you feel like a God!

For you to find a woman with all the qualities you want, you first have to know about yourself. I guarantee that if you know yourself, and what you want, women will be eager to be with you. If you carry yourself with confidence and show women that you are secure you will immediately attract women and capture their attention. This chapter will lay the foundation for your future success with any woman you want.
Knowing who you are and what you want exudes personal power.
You must figure out your game plan to get the woman you want.
With this in mind pay close attention and don’t rush though this chapter. There will be plenty of time in later chapters for learning everything you need to know about approaching, talking to and seducing women. Be patient and learn first about yourself. Once you know who you are, and what you want, you will be better equipped to look at what kinds of women you would  likely connect with. We will then derive a description of her and a list of requirements she must fulfill before you give her further consideration. You should not be wasting time with unworthy women. This chapter is intended to get you focused on you, your personal goals, and the woman of your dreams.
Collect Information
Have you ever seen a picture of a well-dressed guy in a magazine and thought you’d like to look like him? Or of a woman you could see yourself being with? Well, all these pictures, photos, advertisements, need to be collected and saved! Use these images as incentives to realize your goals. Imagine yourself looking that good, or with that perfect woman. As well, cut out articles or ads for singles events, or of places you might like to go for a date. Collect any inspiring pictures as a way to visualize your objectives and remain focused. When the time comes for a date with an amazing woman, use the ads to create an exciting date filled with       adventure and fun!

As you read through this chapter you will be asking yourself several questions about you and the type of woman you want. You will benefit more from this chapter if you write down the answers to all the upcoming questions. You’re going to be referring to your self-analysis many times in the upcoming pages. In order to become proficient at picking up and seducing women, you’re going to change and grow. By writing this stuff  down you’ll have means to measure your progress, evaluate your results and  learn from your mistakes. Keep your written work together with your collected pictures and/or advertisements in a folder or notebook. Your written record of your personal and dating progress will mark where you  started, how you’re doing and where you’re going.

The Future is in Your Hands

Nothing about meeting an attractive woman and winning her favor is luck. You are in charge of your life. Where you are and who your friends are is a direct result of your life choices. The people you know are people you  have attracted. You create these relationships, consciously or not, and you have the control to build new and better relationships right now. In fact, you can even decide what kinds of women you’ll be meeting and dating before you actually meet them! Simply by first knowing who you are and  then by describing the kind of woman you want, you’re going to put  together a plan you can follow for tangible results. Don’t leave things to chance or luck. You are responsible for the opportunities that come to you
in your life.

Everything that happens to you
is directly related to your choices in life.

      If you rely on an uncontrollable imaginary force (such as luck, or chance) you will be giving up the power to take your life into your own hands. You should become personally accountable for all you experience - good and bad - so make sure you engineer your choices to reflect your goals and  objectives. Every decision you make will have subtle or considerable  effects on your life. Be sure you stay focused on what you want and you will be happy.
Who Are You?

      This is the time to start thinking about Who You Are. This section will help you to figure out who you are, and what you have to offer a woman. First step: describe yourself. What would you say? Well, a good start is a physical description. So that’s what you will do now.

      Get a pen and start writing.

      Write a physical description of yourself. Include your age, height, weight, physical build, and personality. Be sure to describe who you ARE,  and not who you think you are, or who you think you should be. Build a realistic description of who YOU are and what you represent. Be honest with yourself, and go with your first impulses. Don’t leave out your weaknesses, but also be positive and look for your strong points. Don’t  risk compromising your self-expression and confidence by only listing out
all your inadequacies and hang-ups. Such a list is self-defeating, whereas focusing on your positive traits will make you feel better about who you are; and when you feel better about yourself, you’ll feel more relaxed and confident around women, too. Women sense this, and they’ll feel good being around you.

      Take a look at these questions. Answer them honestly.

       1.Are you reliable, honest, funny, educated, shy or outgoing, practical or uninhibited?
       2.Do you have a large social group of friends and co-workers, or do you like to spend time with just one   .         or two important people?
       3.What have your past relationships with women been like? Who ends them?
       4.What is your current financial status?
       5.What are your religious and political views?
       6.What beliefs and values do you live by?
Now, this next group of questions is more important. You should spend a  little more time on your answers.
       7.What activities do you enjoy?
       8.What are you interested in?
       9.What are your hobbies, if any?
       10.Are you happy in your career, or would you like to learn new skills and change jobs?
       11.Who or what would you like to become?
       12. If you could do anything to spend your time, what would you choose to  do?
Write this down while the ideas are spontaneous and instinctual. Your first impulses are more likely to be the truth. The more you think about your answers the more likely it will be something you think you should
write, not the truth. Don’t cheat yourself – you’ll be using this analysis to increase your chances of getting the woman of your dreams. Of course, you can always go back and add more ideas to your notes later.
Focus on What You Want

      What you think about and focus on is, inevitably, what you are going to get out of life. You have to think about new ideas, new goals and new women, or your mind and behavior will exhibit the old ideas, patterns and people. If you don’t focus on and visualize the woman of your dreams and imagine ways of meeting her all the time, then you’ll probably end up meeting someone who resembles your last girlfriend, or worse!

      Avoid thinking about what you don’t want. If you think about not wanting a  boring lazy woman, and you focus on that, chances are you’ll be meeting more of them than any other kind of woman.
 You must FOCUS on what you WANT
 in order to GET what you WANT.

      This applies to all aspects of your life - not just women. If you just  focus on obstacles you come across, instead of your ultimate goals, you’ll continue to have setbacks! You have to focus and think about what you want all the time.

Define Your Desires

      Now we find out what kind of woman you are really looking for. Start by writing down a detailed and realistic physical description of her. Is she tall or short? Thin or big-boned? Does she have short or long hair? Is she sexy, exotic, and alluring? Is she the girl-next-door type? Does she have a casual appearance or a smart and sophisticated look? Be sure to go for what you want. Write down what body type you would prefer to take to bed. What will get you excited? What kind of woman turns you on? What traits do you look for in a woman? Does she have slim long legs or curvy hips and  thighs? Is she in a certain age group? Does she work out regularly?  Athletic? Consider everything you can think of!

      Now what personality type does your dream woman have? Is she outgoing or shy? Does she love to go out and socialize, or is she more of a homebody type that loves to cook and sew? Is she a lady or a tramp? Or a little of  both? Write down anything you WANT. What are her music and food  preferences? Does she like sporting events? Nightclubs? Traveling? Shopping? Does she like animals? Children? Does she have any children? Does she have a career? Is she a student?

      You are going to find definite traits and requirements that you’re looking for in a woman. Don’t feel shy, or guilty, about these requirements. Never feel ashamed for who you are and for what you want. There are many kinds of women out there, and many of them will meet your demands. You need to  decide your minimum requirements. You also need to figure out which qualities or attributes you are willing to compromise.

      As you progress through meeting and dating different types of women your  ideal woman may lose or adopt new qualities. You must stay focused on what you want, even if that keeps changing, in order to progress in a positive direction. By knowing what you want, you’ll be able to eliminate undesirable types of women. You want to meet and get women you desire with little hassles or wasted efforts.
      So that’s the end of this chapter. If you have answered the questions honestly you should know more about who you are, and what you are looking  for. I’ll bet that if you look over your analysis you’ll find that the woman you want has similar physical and personality traits as yourself. No doubt she shares similar interests and values, and she probably likes guys like you. The information gathered here will be used later on to advance your plan to pick up and seduce the woman (or women!) of your dreams.

      If you have not yet gone through and answered the questions in this chapter - in writing! - then STOP whatever you’re doing and answer them NOW! It is in your own best interest to know who you are and what you want. Chapter 3 talks about what women want, so you need to know what you have going for and what you might have to change to become more attractive and approachable to women.


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