Considering the fact that the majority or between 70 and 90 percent of the population will experience some sort of back
pain at one time or another, knowledge about back pain relief is
certainly welcome, appreciated and a popular topic. One of the
best ways to begin learning about back pain relief is by
understanding the basics of back pain: what causes it, how it’s
diagnosed, what treatments are available, how to manage the
pain, etc. And this ebook will cover the bases for you
Note that the contents here are not presented from a medical practitioner,
We hope you
and that any and all health care planning should be made under the
enjoy this
guidance of your own medical and health practitioners. The content
FREE eBo ok
within only presents an overview of back pain relief research for
& that it
educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a
offers some
professional physician.
answers and
some form of
relief with
back pain
Let’s begin by learning some facts in order to separate truth
from myth with regards to back pain. First of all, less than one
percent of acute lower back pain is the result of a serious
infection or condition like cancer or a spinal injury. For those
under 50, the rate is even lower.
Back pain is the number one disability for those under age 45.
And it runs second, after the common cold, as the top reason
for visiting a healthcare provider in the United States.
“There is nothing really wrong with you.” Myth! Chronic pain
sufferers report that doctors generally tell this to about 90
percent of them and it is incorrect. In reality, the majority of low
back pain cases or some 90 percent generally come from an
unknown cause, like an infection or a particular injury. And the
duration of the pain runs generally from four to six weeks.
“People don’t die from chronic back pain.” Wrong! The pain
combined with depression and anxiety in long-term cases
places sufferers at risk for suicide, which does happen from
time to time.
“Most back pain requires surgery.” Myth! On the contrary,
under two percent of patients with back pain need surgery.
However, back pain is the third top reason for surgery.
“Only a small percentage of workers suffer back pain on the
job.” Wrong! The top occupational hazard in the USA is back
“Lie down and rest for back pain.” Au contraire. Contrary to
popular believe, bed rest can hinder recovery. Health care
providers recommend remaining active to decrease down time
for patients.
“Men suffer back pain more than women.” Not! With regards to
gender issues and back pain, it is a myth that men suffer back
pain more than women. In reality, the only main difference is
with secondary pain to disk disorders during middle age.
However, with regards to race, low back pain is reported more
frequently among Caucasians than other races including
African Americans.
“If a patient’s pain description lacks a regular, consistent
pattern, it’s probably imagined or exaggerated.” Myth! No two
people, no two cases are totally 100 percent identical.
Activities, events, pain and people themselves vary from day to
day and there is no 100 percent correct way to describe pain in
words to fit a perfectly accurate diagnosis.
To learn more about specific types of back pain, it helps to identify the “type” of pain present, similar to a doctor visit when asked, “Is it a stabbing pain or dull ache?” These are helpful healthcare term associated with back pain:
– Most back pain sufferers fall into this category. With
acute low back pain, certain movement ranges for activities
may be limited due to pain. But most people recover within
about four weeks on their own.
– Also referred to as recurrent low back pain or when
acute pain episodes recur for more than three months. This is
most generally when medical treatment is sought.
Note one can suffer acute and chronic pain at the same time.
As secondary health problems be involved. In other words,
chronic pain sufferers can be susceptible to acute pain.
- When the pain began. Acute onset means it occurred
suddenly. Insidious onset means it gradually developed over a
period- could be days or longer.
Some common questions asked with regards to this area are
how often does the worse pain occur and how long does it last.
– When the back pain occurs from time to time
with intervals of no pain in between.
– When the pain is always present.
– A printed body diagram is usually used to that the
patient can refer to the place or location where pain is felt.
– Where the back’s pain movement is located.
Most generally it is centrally located in the middle of the spine
or an injury to either side of the spine. Pain that reaches
beyond, for example to legs, is known as peripheral. Other
terms associated with movement are twisting, lifting, bending,
straightening, arching, vibrating, sneezing, coughing and
When discussing back pain, other symptoms that can come up
include, but are not limited to, itching, burning, tingling,
weakness or numbness, bladder control loss or change in
habit, nausea.
A verbal measurement used to quantify pain on a scale rating
from zero that signifies “no pain” to 10, referring to your “worst
pain ever.”
Other criteria to help with understanding this pain indicator are
does the scale vary; i.e. does the pain intensify and if so with
each occurrence? And within what range on the scale?
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Considering the fact that the majority or between 70 and 90 percent of the population will experience some sort of back
pain at one time or another, knowledge about back pain relief is
certainly welcome, appreciated and a popular topic. One of the
best ways to begin learning about back pain relief is by
understanding the basics of back pain: what causes it, how it’s
diagnosed, what treatments are available, how to manage the
pain, etc. And this ebook will cover the bases for you
Note that the contents here are not presented from a medical practitioner,
We hope you
and that any and all health care planning should be made under the
enjoy this
guidance of your own medical and health practitioners. The content
FREE eBo ok
within only presents an overview of back pain relief research for
& that it
educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a
offers some
professional physician.
answers and
some form of
relief with
back pain
Let’s begin by learning some facts in order to separate truth
from myth with regards to back pain. First of all, less than one
percent of acute lower back pain is the result of a serious
infection or condition like cancer or a spinal injury. For those
under 50, the rate is even lower.
Back pain is the number one disability for those under age 45.
And it runs second, after the common cold, as the top reason
for visiting a healthcare provider in the United States.
“There is nothing really wrong with you.” Myth! Chronic pain
sufferers report that doctors generally tell this to about 90
percent of them and it is incorrect. In reality, the majority of low
back pain cases or some 90 percent generally come from an
unknown cause, like an infection or a particular injury. And the
duration of the pain runs generally from four to six weeks.
“People don’t die from chronic back pain.” Wrong! The pain
combined with depression and anxiety in long-term cases
places sufferers at risk for suicide, which does happen from
time to time.
“Most back pain requires surgery.” Myth! On the contrary,
under two percent of patients with back pain need surgery.
However, back pain is the third top reason for surgery.
“Only a small percentage of workers suffer back pain on the
job.” Wrong! The top occupational hazard in the USA is back
“Lie down and rest for back pain.” Au contraire. Contrary to
popular believe, bed rest can hinder recovery. Health care
providers recommend remaining active to decrease down time
for patients.
“Men suffer back pain more than women.” Not! With regards to
gender issues and back pain, it is a myth that men suffer back
pain more than women. In reality, the only main difference is
with secondary pain to disk disorders during middle age.
However, with regards to race, low back pain is reported more
frequently among Caucasians than other races including
African Americans.
“If a patient’s pain description lacks a regular, consistent
pattern, it’s probably imagined or exaggerated.” Myth! No two
people, no two cases are totally 100 percent identical.
Activities, events, pain and people themselves vary from day to
day and there is no 100 percent correct way to describe pain in
words to fit a perfectly accurate diagnosis.
To learn more about specific types of back pain, it helps to identify the “type” of pain present, similar to a doctor visit when asked, “Is it a stabbing pain or dull ache?” These are helpful healthcare term associated with back pain:
– Most back pain sufferers fall into this category. With
acute low back pain, certain movement ranges for activities
may be limited due to pain. But most people recover within
about four weeks on their own.
– Also referred to as recurrent low back pain or when
acute pain episodes recur for more than three months. This is
most generally when medical treatment is sought.
Note one can suffer acute and chronic pain at the same time.
As secondary health problems be involved. In other words,
chronic pain sufferers can be susceptible to acute pain.
- When the pain began. Acute onset means it occurred
suddenly. Insidious onset means it gradually developed over a
period- could be days or longer.
Some common questions asked with regards to this area are
how often does the worse pain occur and how long does it last.
– When the back pain occurs from time to time
with intervals of no pain in between.
– When the pain is always present.
– A printed body diagram is usually used to that the
patient can refer to the place or location where pain is felt.
– Where the back’s pain movement is located.
Most generally it is centrally located in the middle of the spine
or an injury to either side of the spine. Pain that reaches
beyond, for example to legs, is known as peripheral. Other
terms associated with movement are twisting, lifting, bending,
straightening, arching, vibrating, sneezing, coughing and
When discussing back pain, other symptoms that can come up
include, but are not limited to, itching, burning, tingling,
weakness or numbness, bladder control loss or change in
habit, nausea.
A verbal measurement used to quantify pain on a scale rating
from zero that signifies “no pain” to 10, referring to your “worst
pain ever.”
Other criteria to help with understanding this pain indicator are
does the scale vary; i.e. does the pain intensify and if so with
each occurrence? And within what range on the scale?
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